
Single cell & spatial omics technology can provide novel insights into tissue and organ heterogeneity, and have been recognized as annual breakthroughs in 2013, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022. However, current techniques still have limitations in omic levels and sampling throughput. Our lab is making efforts to develop new technology for assessing 3D genomics, DNA methylation, chromatin accessibility at single-cell spatial level, and to construct the corresponding roboticized platforms.

We developed the technology for single-cell DNA methylation & chromatin accessibility, to assess how DNA modifications activate cis-regulatory elements, and to resolve key questions in cell fate decisions, embryogenesis, and brain development.

We have introduced a spatial 3D genomics approach, Spatial-SPRITE. When applied to embryo sections, this method reveals distinct chromatin conformations across embryonic organs, indicating a new compartments A/B interaction model and a unique chromosomal territory in the liver.

We have constructed a Microfluidic Spatial Multi-Omics Robot System, MSMRS. This system can rapidly perform four parallel experiments for spatial omics, increasing sample throughput and operational consistency.